Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Use a Conclusion Sentence

How to Use a Conclusion SentenceWhat is a conclusion sentence? This is a short paragraph that ends with a question. A conclusion sentence usually explains what the writer believes to be the most important point of the writing. The writer is trying to show their readers something about themselves, so they will relate to their characters and situation better.To achieve this type of sentence structure, the writer should keep the reader's attention throughout the whole piece. They also need to use short paragraphs, not long statements or paragraphs.Start with some main topics or statements about a person's life. Make sure they all relate to one another. When you think the reader will connect the statements to one another, you can use a conclusion paragraph.Most conclusion sentences follow a theme. For example, a high school student may describe the first time he used marijuana. He will then end his paragraph with a question about how he is feeling good now that he has used marijuana for the first time.There is a formula to create a simple sentence: begin with a thought, make it into a statement and end it with a question. Any sentence that uses more than one word, two-syllable words or longer sentences contains a conclusion sentence.To avoid ending your piece with a question or statement, avoid ending your paragraphs with a question. A question usually interferes with the flow of the paragraph. Many times readers will go on to another paragraph to answer the question that was left by the writer.To summarize your main ideas, begin your conclusion with the most important point. Finish your paragraph with your question. Use one statement per paragraph, but use several statements for a longer piece.The writer should always try to have a conclusion sentence in a piece that has more than one paragraph. It will add to the readability of the piece and keep the writer from leaving a question about what they wanted to say.

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